Abba Father

“You’re a Good, Good Father;

It’s who You are,

It’s who You are;

It’s who You are.

And I’m loved by You;

It’s who I am;

It’s who I am

It’s who I am.”

These are some of the words of a popular Christian song, sung by Chris Tomlin. When you can, take the opportunity, look it up and listen to it. A wonderful song, which talks about God as a Father.

The topic for our service this morning is “Father to the fatherless”. It’s also Father’s Day. In the world today, there are many people who do not know who their father is. There are also people who are estranged to their dad; who hardly see or speak to their dad. There are also dads who are raising their children on their own, for whatever reason. There are people whose dad (young or old) has passed away perhaps from an illness or accident; or he may have been soldier in one of the latest century wars. Our dads are human and can make mistakes, so as children, (whatever our age is) we are to be merciful and forgive him.

God is a Father to the fatherless. In other words, if you have lost contact with your dad, God is very willing to be your Father, as long as we repent for our sin/s and ask Jesus to come into your life, as your Lord and Saviour (Romans 8:14).

In Luke 11: 1-4 Jesus tells His enquiring disciples how to pray. The first line of that prayer is “Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be your name.” (Mark 14:36). Jesus could have used any one of God’s names, but He chose the name ‘Abba Father/Our Father.’ Jesus wanted his disciples and everybody on earth, to know and recognise God as their Father, especially when he/ she has no dad.(Psalm 27:10)

As a Father, God wants us to understand that He is our Father, when we accept Jesus the Christ, as our LORD and Saviour. He is a Father who will provide for us: (Matthew 6:25-23.) God, as our Father in Heaven, loves us. (John 3:1 and 16; 1 John 4: 9-11;Ephesians 3:18)

Abba Father loves it when we take the time out in our busy lives to spend time in His presence, talking to Him (via prayer). So we may never feel that He has not got the time, to listen to us, or pay attention to us, as His children.

Therefore, know with assurance, that Abba Father loves you; provides for you; and pays attention to and listen to you because He’s a Good, Good Father.

During our Prayer and Fasting this week pray:

❖ For your dad, asking the LORD to be in his life as his Redeemer, and Saviour.

❖ Ask to the LORD to help you to speak to your dad, if possible.

❖ Pray for the children and young people; young adult or adult, who no longer have a dad. Ask Abba Father to be their Father.

❖ Pray for yourself, giving God thanks for being a Father to you. Let Him know how wonderful He is using your own words.

Prayer and Fasting Focus Topic: Abba Father

Bibel Reading: Read the Bible scriptures stated above, in the devotion.

Bible Verse: Isaiah 49:15 “[The LORD answered) “Can a woman forget her nursing child; And have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you.” (Amplified version)


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